Office Coffee Service
Our team that you have come to love and trust here has brought on a new and wonderful service with….COFFEE!! We are proud to spotlight 2 wonderful brands Stone Cup and Fleetwood. We have brought these locally roasted, premium brands on to make your days that much brighter. We also carry the most popular brands most of you have known for years.
This new Office Coffee Service delivery comes to you at the same quality we have offered all of our water products at and includes plates, spoons, napkins, tea, forks, and much more!
To top off this great new service we also have the Curtis D60 Brewer to go in your office to make your coffee experience the best it can be! Just to give you an idea what all it can do here is a run down on the machine:

- Precise “gourmet” control over all critical functions—The G3 Digital Control Module provides you the expertise to brew premium gourmet coffee with ease.
- Stainless Steel ThermoPro™ Pour Pots Keep Coffee Quality at its Peak of Freshness — High heat retention design maintains temperature without additional warming.
- Built-In Fine Tuning Brewing Modes — Pre-infusion and other modes enhance extraction of gourmet coffee flavor. Cold water brew lock-out prevents brewing when water temperature is below set level.
- Tamper Resistant — Changeable access code prevents unauthorized adjustment.
- Easy-to-Use — Simple graphic design with color-coded buttons for all operating functions.
Saves Operating Costs — Energy save mode automatically reduces energy consumption when brewer is idle. - Reduce Downtime — G3 on-board self-diagnostics continually sense proper brewing operation. A Service Phone Number and error code will be displayed in the rare event technical assistance is required.
Programmable Display Banner — Can be set to display your operation’s name and message.